Play free online flash games.
Play Instructions:
Cursor key left: spins your bodyboarder to the left, around his axis
Cursor key right: spins your bodyboarder to the right, around his axis
Keeping this key pressed will cause full 360deg spins!!! Try It!
Cursor key up: causes your bodyboarder to do a small jump! Good for catching the Times Two Multiplier icon and can make you jump sharkfins!";
Execute tricks by collecting trick-icons! There are two types of tricks:
- JUMP TRICKS: A Jump Trick enables you to collect the Times Two Multiplier while executing the trick and jump over sharkfins! Jump Tricks are fairly easy to control.
-BALANCE TRICKS: during a Balance Trick you won't be able to jump, so sharkfins will be a threath! During Balance Tricks it's easy to loose control, so stay cool!!!
-Spins (one or more full circles around your axis) are executable at all times. Even during a Jump or Balance Trick! But there is a difference! During a trick you will see an arrow around you, showing you in which direction you're spinning. During a spin the current will push you up, towards the dangerzone, so make sure you start to spin as low as possible!
Control Scheme:
Fire: control.
Movement: right_left.
Jump: up.
Tags: FFX, Action, Driving, Sports, Board, Game, Surf, ffxwebgames, fun, cool, flash, beach, skills, Win, Elvis, streamfighter, Stream, Fighter, Tournament.
Size: 600x400.