Play free online flash games.
Play Instructions:
Use your mouse to choose the desired fashionable clothing and carefully size your selected model, making sure they have the chosen item on properly. If you no longer wish for a particular item of clothing to be worn on the model, notify them to remove it by using your mouse to restore the item back in the closet. When completed with the look, you may show it to your friends, capture the model by taking a picture, or continue to design another model. Time has no bounds of completing this task, however it is up to the player to decide when they are complete.
Control Scheme:
Fire: na.
Movement: na.
Jump: na.
Tags: fashion, clothing, Fashion, fashion designers, dress, designers, Photos, Celebrities, women, fashion trends, fashion news, shopping, Fashion Week, runway, dresses, models, fashion magazines, styles, celebrity, Shopping, dressup, girls, scene, emo, goth, dream-maidens, prom, senior, high school, junior, teens, summer, bikini, sundress, sandals, beach, Dress up.
Size: 800x750.
Aspen Nikk...
Nikki went on the perfect holiday: skiing in Aspen with her friends. She enjoys having fun in the snow and because it is a year now since her last winter, she bought some new stylish, fashion clothes to wear on the ski course. Dress up Nikki and see once again that she ain't that bad in dressing up.