Play free online flash games.
Play Instructions:
We will ask you a question or give you a clue. Shoot the alien commander with the vocabulary term that best matches the question or clue!
Left arrow = move left
Right arrow = move right
Spacebar = shoot
Down arrow = grenades
(levels 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 only)
Control Scheme:
Fire: space.
Movement: right_left.
Jump: na.
Tags: Bioman, learning, education, educational, biology, biomanbio, cardiovascular, circulatory, excretory, urinary, digestive, system, systems, heart, blood, vessels, artery, vein, capillary, stomach, intestine, respiratory, lung, fun, science, shooting, en.
Size: 640x480.
Plumbi - K...
Ky eshte nje kuiz nga kimia, perkatesht per Plumbin. Ky kuiz permban 10 pyetje rreth Plumbit me nga 4 opcione apo pergjigje ku vetem njera pergjigje eshte e sakte. Pra testoni njohurite tuaja rreth Plumbit apo kimise se Plumbit.
Fruit Word...
Fruit words made for getting fun, so in this fruit words, you just need to arrange the words into a fruit words, like as "apple","avocado",etc