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Play Instructions:
Zgjidhni pergjigjet e sakta ne kete kuiz te shkurte por shume interesant.
Control Scheme:
Fire: na.
Movement: na.
Jump: na.
Tags: Pjesa e kater e kuizit emrat e kafsheve ne gjuhen gjermane, Germain Language, Lojra dhe kuize, Kuize, Kuize per kafshet, Kuize ne gjuhen gjermane, Gjuha gjermane kuize, kuize te ndryshme ne gjuhen gjermane, gjuha gjermane kuize, luaj kuize per gjuhen gjermane, gjermanisht kuize, kafshet ne gjuhen gjermane, emrat e kafsheve ne gjuhen gjerman, e lojra dhe kuize online shqip, Gjuha gjermane online, en.
Size: 900x550.
Snurfle Me...
Snurfles, just like any other organism, must reproduce in order to continue as a species! But how does this happen? By the end of this game, you will understand how MEIOSIS and FERTILIZATION work to make offspring! You will also see how GENETIC characteristics are passed on through these processes and the connection between meiosis and genetics!