Play free online flash games.
Play Instructions:
Click on the ladybug to drag. Avoid bumping into the walls. Find your way to the roses.
Control Scheme:
Fire: na.
Movement: mouse.
Jump: na.
Tags: kids, child, maze, mouse, education, garden, ladybug, garden journey, bee, wall, learn, thinking, creative, creativity, children, game, kid, parent, family, all ages, fun, cute, insect.
Size: 640x480.
Kuizi Kimi...
Ky eshte nje kuiz nga Kimia. Kjo eshte pjesa e nente e ketij kuizi, i cili permban 10 pyetje me nga 4 opcione per secilen pyetje ku vetem njeri opcion eshte i sakte. Testoni veten se sa keni njohuri per lenden e kimise , ndersa mesoni ato qe nuk i keni ditur.
This is a quiz of Chemistry. This is part nine of this quiz, which contains 10 questions with four options for each question where only one option is correct. Test yourself how much you know about the subject of chemistry, and learn what you do not know.
Lili y las...
Baby Lily is a smart girl, and practice every day with games like this, to develop their visual and observation skills. Try to find the differences between the two drawings that offers baby Lili. Please click on the differences you find in the photo with the red frame.
1st Grade ...
Division Math for 1st Grade, click on the correct answer over hundreds of problems to solve, Great for kids.