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Play Instructions:
Testoni njohurite tuaja ne Biologji dhe pergadituni rreth testit te semimatures, matures apo testit pranues ne fakultet.
Test your knowledge in Biology and Prepare about semimature test, matures or college entrance exam.
Control Scheme:
Fire: na.
Movement: mouse.
Jump: na.
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Size: 900x550.
Sounds Par...
Animal Sounds educational game is a game for children. Choose an animal and click on his big picture. Hear what sound it makes. When the traffic light turns green, you can select the next animal. Supported languages: English, Russian, German, French, Spanish and Ukrainian.
Obuchaiushchaia igra Zvuki zhivotnykh eto igra dlia samykh malen'kikh. Vyberite zhivotnoe i nazhmite na ego bol'shoe izobrazhenie. Slushaite kakoi zvuk on izdaet . Posle togo kak zagoritsia zelenyi signal svetofora, Vy mozhete vybrat' sleduiushchego zhivotnogo. Podderzhivaiutsia iazyki: Russkii, Angliiskii, Nemetskii, Frantsuzskii, Ukrainskii i Ispanskii
Sounds - p...
Training game Sounds of pets is game for the smallest. Choose an animal and press his big image. Listen to what sound it publishes. After the green signal of a traffic light will light up, you can choose the following animal. Languages are supported: Russian, English, German, French, Ukrainian and Spanish.
Obuchaiushchaia igra Zvuki domashnikh zhivotnykh eto igra dlia samykh malen'kikh. Vyberite zhivotnoe i nazhmite na ego bol'shoe izobrazhenie. Slushaite kakoi zvuk on izdaet . Posle togo kak zagoritsia zelenyi signal svetofora, Vy mozhete vybrat' sleduiushchego zhivotnogo. Podderzhivaiutsia iazyki: Russkii, Angliiskii, Nemetskii, Frantsuzskii, Ukrainskii i Ispanskii.