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Play Instructions:
Pergjigjuni ne pyetjet qe shfaqen rreth lendes se kimise.
Answer the questions that appear on the subject of chemistry.
Control Scheme:
Fire: na.
Movement: mouse.
Jump: na.
Tags: Kuiz nga kimia, Kimia kuize, Teste nga kimia, Teste per maturante, Teste te matures, Matura teste, Teste online te matures, Teste nga kimia online, Kuize kimia, Kuize te ndryshme nga kimia, Sistemi periodik, Sistemet periodike, Elementet e sistemit periodik, Chemistry quiz, chemistry quizzes, tests from chemistry, tests for high school seniors, graduation tests, graduation tests, graduation tests online, online chemistry tests, quizzes chemistry, different from chemistry quizzes, periodic system, periodic systems, system elements periodic, Hidrogjeni i paster, Laboratori, elektroliza e ujit, katoda
Oksigjeni, Klori, Hidrogjeni, Kloruri i natriumit, substanca e ngurte, kristalet, struktura, Tetraedrit, Kubik, Oktaedrik, Heksagonal, Metalet alkalino-tokesore, Beriliumi, Kalciumi, Natriumi, kaliumi, Fluori, Bromi, Hekuri, Kobalti, Elementet halogjene, Klori, Flori, Bromi, Jodi, Acidi perklorik, HClO4, HClO3, HClO, en.
Size: 900x550.
Enchanted ...
Does the painter in the picture really see what we do? It could be, because in the dreamworld everything is possible, even frog turning into princess. This artist surely has great talent and imagination. You can, just like him, make use of the magic of color, a bit of imagination, and of course the paintbrush to color this amazing illustration.