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Play Instructions:
Pergjigjuni ne pyetjet qe shfaqen.
Answer the questions that appear.
Control Scheme:
Fire: na.
Movement: na.
Jump: na.
Tags: Matematika kuize shqip online, Kuize nga matematika, Matematika kuize shqip, kuize te ndryshme shqip, Testet e matures matematika, matematika online, kuize online, teste nga matematika, kuize shqip, kuize matematika, kuize matematike, matematika kuize, Math quizzes, quizzes Mathematics Classifieds, quizzes of various Classifieds, tests matures, Maths online, online quizzes, tests in mathematics, English quizzes, math quizzes, math quizzes, math quizzes, algebra quiz, mathematics test, mathematics quiz, en.
Size: 900x550.
Kuizi Kimi...
Ky eshte nje kuiz nga Kimia. Kjo eshte pjesa e 11 e ketij kuizi, i cili permban 10 pyetje me nga 4 opcione per secilen pyetje ku vetem njeri opcion eshte i sakte. Testoni veten se sa keni njohuri per lenden e kimise , ndersa mesoni ato qe nuk i keni ditur.
This is a quiz of Chemistry. This is the 11 part of this quiz, which contains 10 questions with four options for each question where only one option is correct. Test yourself how much you know about the subject of chemistry, and learn what you do not know.