Play free online flash games.
Play Instructions:
Select a colored or black and white version of the TAOFEWA chibi manga coloring page. Click on the colors and density you want to use for the coloring game. Click on the areas you want to update with new colors.
Control Scheme:
Fire: na.
Movement: na.
Jump: na.
Tags: taofewa, chibi, manga, oriental, female, ninja, peony, color, colour, coloring, colouring, coloring game, comic, comic book character, hero, girl, update, enhance, personalize, customize, coloring.
Size: 500x700.
Kuizi Gjuh...
Ky eshte nje kuiz nga Gjuha angleze. Kuizi permban 10 pyetje, ku secila pyetje ka 3 ose 4 opcione ku vetem njeri opcion eshte i sakte. Testoni njohurite tuaja ne gjuhen angleze.
This is a quiz from the English language. The quiz contains 10 questions, each question has 3 or 4 options where only one option is correct. Test your knowledge in English.