Play free online flash games.
Play Instructions:
Control Scheme:
Fire: na.
Movement: na.
Jump: na.
Tags: Gazzyboy prison escape game, prison escape game, prison escape, escape from the prison, jail escape game, escape game, escape from the jail, prison game, prison, games, game, free games, play escape games, free escape games, free games, free gazzy games, free gazzyboy games, gazzyboy games, gazzyboy escape games, find the hidden object games, hidden objects game, hidden objects, flash escape games, flash animation games, flash games, free flash escape games, free online games, play games, play free online escape games, play games, free games, online escape games, play free games, free escape games, animation games, escape the room games.
Size: 650x500.
Invisible ...
52 Weeks of Game Development: Week 2. The "52 Weeks of Game Development" project is a 2012 New Year's resolution I made to create a new game every week.
This game takes the idea of the invisibility powerup that you see in games, but makes you invisible to yourself as well! Now your score is simply based on how close you can get to the goal without have a good idea of what's going on.
The maze... is in your brain.