Play free online flash games.
Play Instructions:
Select whether to read the TAOFEWA manga or take the quiz from the menu.
If you select the quiz, read the question on the top of the page and click on the image you feel is the correct answer.
Answer all questions to see how well you did.
If you select to read the manga, use the arrows at the top of the screen to navigate thru the TAOFEWA - Born of Fire - Chapter 1 pages.
Note: Manga is read from right to left, the first thing you read is in the upper right corner, from here you move towards left and start again on the next row to the right!
Control Scheme:
Fire: na.
Movement: na.
Jump: na.
Tags: TAOFEWA, manga, comic, quiz, comic book, manga book, manga quiz, comic quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, taofewa quiz, en.
Size: 500x725.